Data + Information
Ever feel like someone is watching or tracking you? Well, for people in heavily policed communities, in prison and jail, or on correctional supervision, that’s always true. Corporations are introducing alarming new technologies making it easier to surveil people, from gang databases to risk assessment tools to facial recognition software. Beyond being invasive, many of these technologies are error-prone with a disproportionate impact on Black and Brown people. And there are still other corporations that host mega cloud systems to store this data enabling systemic government abuse, including mass deportations. Learn about the power and impact of these data and information systems and the work being done to stop their spread.
Read Textbook Chapter 6: Data + Information (pgs. 39 - 47)
Answer Discussion Guide questions in Chapter 6: Data + Information (pg. 6)
Watch the Punishment + Profit webinar on Data + Information
Watch and share this week’s 5 Quick Facts video on social media
punishment + Profit
A webinar series in collaboration with The Greene Space at New York Public Radio. Watch the replay below!
Josmar Trujillo
Writer and Organizer
Bernard E. Harcourt
Professor of Law, Columbia University
Debbie Nathan
Independent Journalist
Paromita Shah
Executive Director, Just Futures Law
The Greene Space is the street-level broadcast studio and performance venue of WNYC and WQXR, channeling the collective genius in New York City to create forward-looking live art, theater, and journalism that sparks change. It brings audiences to the intersection of art and politics by leading courageous conversations and curating performances of intense beauty that are deeply rooted locally but relevant to audiences globally.