Worth Rises — About Us

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The Problem

We have built an industry and economy dependent on human caging and control that capitalizes on crime and prevents justice

The Solution

exposing Exploitation

We conduct research, collect data, and perform innovative analyses aimed at unmasking the harms caused by the prison industrial complex. Understanding the mobilizing power of knowledge, we transform our analyses into accessible and compelling content designed to increase awareness and shift discourse around the commercialization of the criminal legal system.

Organizing for change

We organize and lead campaigns that center on protecting and returning resources to directly-impacted communities. We equip consumers, investors, public agents, elected officials, celebrities, litigators, advocates, and the public with the tools needed to challenge those who profit from our nation's carceral crisis. 

Our Impact

Our Board

Tahir Boykins

Tahir BoYkins
Associate General Counsel, TriWest Healthcare Alliance

Michelle Daniel jones

Michelle DanieL jones
ARTIST & PhD Candidate, New York University

Sam Jacobs

Sam Jacobs

Bianca Tylek
Founder & Executive
Director, Worth Rises


Operating Partner &
Chief OrganizationAL Effectiveness Officer, Draper Richards Kaplan


Our Team

Bianca Tylek
Executive Director

Celina Chapin
Chief Advocacy Officer

Antonya Jeffrey
Director of policy
campaigns & government affairs

Andrew Seeder
Director of Research


Nico MacDonald
Director of Communications & Marketing

CS Wright
director of finance
& operations

Ivana Cortez
Policy Campaigns Senior Associate

Loella Disto
Digital Associate